What we’ve done so far

So far, 5,000 people have gone along to Pact engagement events, either online or in-person. During the Summer Season Conversations we heard from local communities across Edinburgh about what wellbeing means to them. Many of these engagement events have been held jointly with partners including EVOC and Volunteer Edinburgh.

We know there are many organisations and businesses involved in supporting the wellbeing of those living in Edinburgh – from third, independent or private sector, to specialist or general leisure on social based support. The Pact brings together like-minded people with different expertise to understand what people need to have more good days. Building on collaborations and working together, we’ll be able to understand needs, share learnings and insights, and promote discussion about what we can all do next, to meet the needs of tomorrow.

There are several programmes currently being delivered which have been designed from feedback through engagement activities so far and this cycle of dialogue, design and delivery will continue. One of these programmes is Capacity to Collaborate.

Capacity to collaborate is about collaboration and the many benefits of working together for greater reach, wider audiences and sharing resources and ideas. There are many opportunities we can harness by working closer together.

Working on this principle of we’re stronger together, The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership created a Capacity to Collaborate programme which invited partners and organisations to submit ideas about what we can do together. In total 22 Capacity to Collaborate awards have now been agreed, ranging from £2,000 to around £24,000. The awards will help partners and stakeholders across Edinburgh to build on new collaborations.

We’ve also recently held the first series of Capacity to Collaborate Conversations, which reflected some of the themes people were keen to work together on, including transport, place making and prevention sports and physical activities, as well as creating an age friendly Edinburgh where people of all ages can live healthy and active later lives.

To read all the reports from all these events please visit Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact Event Reports – EVOC.

Upcoming Edinburgh Pact Activities and Events

You’re invited to join our ongoing conversation about wellbeing across Edinburgh. With many people across the city already doing imaginative and creative work, we’re always looking to hear your stories and what you’ve been doing to have more good days.

Events coming soon!