Consultation on our strategic vision
Edinburgh’s population is growing, and people are living longer. This means more people need our help each year.
We are transforming the way we work to meet the needs of people now and in the future. Our new draft strategic plan will lay the foundations for a sustainable future for health and social care in Edinburgh.
We aim to redesign and transform our health and social care along with four key priorities to:
- focus on wellbeing, prevention, and early intervention
- build resilient communities to maximise independence
- protect our most vulnerable
- create a healthy and valued workforce and use our resources effectively.
Our draft Strategic Plan for 2024 -27 is a very detailed document that sets out how we will prioritise and plan over the next two years and beyond. The plan is currently under consultation until 30th September 2024.
If you are interested in shaping our strategic plan, which will guide our work for the following years, then we want to here from you. We are looking to talk to people we support, and their carers, as well as local, independent and third sector organisations that work with us to deliver services.
This is a very important process which will look to set the key strategic aims of the Partnership and how we are going to achieve them – so now is your chance to be heard and have your views considered. Email to get involved now.
Read our draft Strategic Plan or our easy read version now.