Putting the Pact into practice
Putting the Pact into practice means thinking about health and social care in a different way, and it can’t be achieved without changing the way we care for the people of Edinburgh, and how you manage your own care, so that the focus is on co-production and communities.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of mental health and wellbeing continues to be at the forefront of everyone’s mind, with isolation and loneliness being the biggest threat to wellbeing. When we conducted our many focus groups, one participant’s comments really stuck out to us, which helped shape our thinking around the purpose of the Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact and how we put it into practice:
“COVID-19 had made us all reflect and rethink what’s important to us, our families and communities. We didn’t see COVID-19 coming and we are all experiencing it but in different ways and at different times. But what has been overwhelming and perhaps a more shared experience has been the response and reliance of us, as citizens, as neighbours, as family members, as friends, as workers, carers and volunteers mobilising and coming together to help support, care and nurture one another.” – Participant 6, The Pact interviews
How we’ll put the Pact into practice
- We’ll continue having conversations with the people of Edinburgh to better understand what is important to them in their lives
- Our colleagues will always be thinking about how we can support people to live the best life they can, rather than fitting them into something from a range of traditional services
- We’ll continue to develop and embrace new ways of working, so we’re always responsive to people’s needs.
How you can put the Pact into practice
- Get involved in your local communities; volunteer; be a good neighbour; get to know the place you live
- Try and quit smoking. Drink and eat sensibly and encourage your children to do the same
- Support older relatives, friends and neighbours to be independent for as long as possible
- Keep active at whatever stage of life
- Register with a GP make sure you attend screening programmes– this will help you have more control of your own health and wellbeing
- Take time to be supportive parents or guardians
How our community planning partners can put the Pact into practice
- Our partners will continue to support people to live well, helping those who are unemployed into work or training and helping them benefit from the city’s vibrant economy
- They’ll provide a wide range of facilities within local communities including parks, open spaces, leisure, safe cycling routes, good quality housing which support our wellness
- Our partners will keep the city safe, protecting our most vulnerable and helping those experiencing adverse life events.