Joint strategic needs assessment
Background and context
The purpose of a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is to ensure that the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board’s (EIJB) strategic plans are based on robust understanding of the current and predicted future needs of local populations. The information from the JSNA will inform and guide the commissioning and delivery of health, wellbeing and social care services.
Content and approach
There is no specific guidance about what should be included in a JSNA; this is a matter for local determination.
To inform the development of the EIJB Strategic Plan 2022-25, needs assessment has been undertaken on key areas around Edinburgh’s demographics and population health. The analysis undertaken so far is presented on the following pages and will be updated on a regular basis as updated information becomes available. This replaces the previous JSNA produced in 2015.
We will continue to undertake needs analysis to support our strategies and plans. This will also be made available through these JSNA pages where appropriate.
There is a range of other data and needs analysis for Edinburgh undertaken by partner organisations. We will also draw on this information as we develop our strategic plans. To allow ease of access we have included links to reports by our partners on these JSNA pages.
JSNA papers
- Population and demographics
- Poverty
- Dementia
- Population health and inequalities in Edinburgh
- Mental Health
- Carers
Links to additional reports
- Health and Care Needs of People from Minority Ethnic Communities, Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership
- Edinburgh by Numbers, City of Edinburgh Council
- Locality and Ward Profiles, City of Edinburgh Council
- Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020, City of Edinburgh Council
- Poverty and Coronavirus in Edinburgh, Edinburgh Poverty Commission
- A Just Capital: Actions to End Poverty in Edinburgh, Edinburgh Poverty Commission