Join our board
Help us shape the future of health and social care in Edinburgh today.
The Edinburgh Integration Joint Board is responsible for the decision making and strategic planning of health and social care services for adults in Edinburgh. We deliver our services through the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership and both Board and Partnership are committed to delivering a caring, healthier, safer Edinburgh.
We’re looking for a carer and citizen representatives to join our team.
What does it mean to be a representative on the EIJB board ?
Although a relatively affluent city, Edinburgh has areas of significant inequality and deprivation, the third highest across all Scottish local authorities and one of our key priorities is to lead on tackling these inequalities. Edinburgh’s population of almost half a million accounts for 9% of Scotland’s total, and is growing. Whilst this growth has many social and economic advantages, it also presents challenges. The latest projections indicate that Edinburgh’s population will continue to grow faster than anywhere else in Scotland.
In recent years, local authority budgets have depended on significant savings targets to help meet demographic change and increases in care costs. Over the next five years, the City of Edinburgh Council alone must reduce its operating costs by around £150 million. With similar financial challenges for NHS Lothian, the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership (EHSCP / the Partnership) will need to develop of innovative, transformational, and sustainable services.
The integration of health and social care in Edinburgh is being supported by a major transformational change programme, which will see services developed to reflect our aspirations for effective, efficient, and personalised support for adults with care and support needs.
If you believe you have the experience, energy and enthusiasm to help shape health and social care services in Edinburgh, we would welcome your expression of interest in the role.
What is the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board?
The Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB) is the main decision-making body for health and social care in Edinburgh. The Board is made up of representatives from City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian, Third Sector representatives, service users, citizens and carers.
What’s the difference between the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board and the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership?
The EIJB, through its Chief Officer, has responsibility for the planning, resourcing and the operational oversight of a wide range of delegated health and social care services.
The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership is responsible for delivering community and bed-based health and social care services for adults in Edinburgh. It is made up of people employed by both the City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian who work in health centres, GP Practices, community hospitals, care homes, nursing homes and communities across the city.
Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership staff provide care and support for people with mental health problems, long term physical conditions, as well as substance misuse problems. The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership also work with many charities, third sector and independent organisations to provide support.
The services that the EIJB and the Partnership are responsible for include:
- social work services for adults, including disabilities, mental health, older people, sensory impairment, and substance misuse
- support for carers
- primary care services including GPs and community nursing
- allied health professionals, such as occupational therapists, psychologists, and physiotherapists
- community dental, ophthalmic, and pharmaceutical services
- continence services
- unplanned admissions to hospital.
What do the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board stand for?
The EIJB want to support and nurture the thriving communities in Edinburgh. And we also want to embrace the opportunity to create a different relationship with people and organisations across the city. Over the past three years, the EIJB has established itself as a Board and developed its ambitions and priorities for improving health and social care with its Strategic Plan.
For many people in the Capital, the Partnership and Board have been a shoulder to lean on during hard times, enabled people to recover and get back on track or supported and cared for those most in need within our communities. And even if you haven’t come across the Partnership or the decision-making Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board, there is a good chance our diverse team may have helped someone in your family, a friend or a colleague.