Savings programme 24-25 – Organisational restructure IIA statement

Integrated Impact Assessment Statement

2024/25 Savings and Recovery Programme

Organisational Restructure


Within the EHSCP, options are currently being considered for structural reorganisation across the Operations division. Any organisational review will always strictly adhere to the agreed change policies within both NHS Lothian and the City of Edinburgh Council. This includes the completion of an Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA)at an appropriate point in the process, to be made available as part of the consultation information pack. Structural change and reorganisation is a normal part of our business, delegated to the Chief Officer and the Executive Management Team to complete.

Whilst organisational review within 24/25 is planned and anticipated to release financial efficiency, engagement with staff is still underway and options are still being developed. It is therefore not appropriate to complete an IIA at this time. The IIA will be completed and approved by the relevant Head of Service in due course.

SRO: Mike Massaro-Mallinson, Service Director for Operations


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