Savings programme 24-25 – Maximising income IIA statement
Integrated Impact Assessment Statement
2024/25 Savings and Recovery Programme
Maximising Income
As part of the work being undertaken through the Older People’s Pathways Programme, it has been identified that there may be an opportunity to maximise income from charging through better application of existing policies and processes. This proposal does not involve any changes to existing charging policy, but ensures that robust processes are in place. This item seeks income from charging for care home services outside the scope Gross Funding; and for community services, including but not limited to, housing support.
The impacts of grip and control in relation to charging has already been addressed in the following Integrated Impact Assessments published as part of the 2024/25 savings programme:
- Gross funding
- Managing new and existing demand
In addition to this, a specific Integrated Impact Assessment was carried out in February 2024 to assess the impacts of changes to the provision of housing support. This IIA also considered the impacts of increased income through charging.
As a result, it has been judged that the impacts of this savings proposal have already been adequately captured and it is not necessary to complete a further IIA.
The IIAs outlined above are available on the EHSCP website here: Integrated Impact Assessments
SRO: Mike Massaro-Mallinson, Service Director for Operations