Savings programme 2024-25 – Gross funding integrated impact assessment

Gross funding reclaim management.

Additional MHO capacity will be recruited to streamline the financial guardianship element of the Gross Funding process, which will ensure existing placements more efficiently managed to conclusion.

In addition, process and guidance will be developed to reduce the number of new Gross Funding placements being agreed.

Thursday 15 February 2024

Name Job Title Date of IIA training
Sarah Hayden Business Manager 9th March 2022

Facilitator & Report Writer

Brionna Wilson Project Manager Note taker
Nikki Conway Locality Manager – South East EHSCP – Lead Officer
Catherine Mathieson Cluster Manager – South East EHSCP employee
Antonis Samartzis Project Manager – Purchasing Project EHSCP employee
Kerry Garvin Senior Transactions Officer CEC employee
Lorraine McFarlane Team Leader – Transactions CEC employee
Julie Rough Senior Social Worker, Residential Review Team EHSCP employee
Thamalee Peiris Senior Social Worker, Residential Review Team EHSCP employee
Pauline Walker Project Implementation Manager, Contracts Team EHSCP employee
David MacLullich Interim Team Manager, MHO Service EHSCP employee
Evidence Available – detail source Comments: what does the evidence tell you with regard to different groups who may be affected and to the environmental impacts of your proposal
Data on populations in need Joint Strategic needs Assessment City of Edinburgh HSCP (2020)

Edinburgh HSCP

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment:

Health and Care Needs of People from Minority Ethnic Communities

(April 2018) 

Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Strategic Plan (2019-2022)

Provides current and projected data on the wider population in the City of Edinburgh

(Population and demographics – Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership (

Provides an understanding of what contributes to poor health and wellbeing and the barriers and challenges to seeking and obtaining support (many being interrelated).

Actions highlighted as needed to address these include:

  • Staff training including cultural sensitivity
  • Recognition of the role of the Third Sector
  • Effective community engagement
  • Developing effective approaches to prevention including overcoming isolation.

Details the Strategic direction of the EHSCP

Data on service uptake/access Gross Funded people Data held internally, summary below:

105 care home residents being gross funded for their placement until access to funds can be established.

Of these, 51 require financial guardianships to progress.

Historic data on number of Gross Funding cases concluded per year:

#cases #days delayed
2012 1 14
2013 1 48
2014 1 166
2015 3 365
2016 5 1133
2017 6 748
2018 12 2500
2018 1 337
2019 19 4016
2019 2 1468
2020 22 7486
2020 2 1814
2021 49 18376
2021 14 6859
2022 19 10778
2022 50 22954
2023 10 6968
TOTAL 217 86030
NB: Some of the years are included twice because some were on the legacy list
and some were logged and finalised on separate sheets
Data on socio-economic disadvantage e.g. low income, low wealth, material deprivation, area deprivation. Joint Strategic needs Assessment City of Edinburgh HSCP (2020) Provides current and projected data on the wider population in the City of Edinburgh

(Population and demographics – Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership (

Data on equality outcomes Data not available.
Research/literature evidence
Public/patient/client experience information
Evidence of inclusive engagement of people who use the service and involvement findings
Evidence of unmet need Not applicable
Good practice guidelines Code of practice for Financial Guardians librariesprovider3/ guardianship/pdf-documents/ generalguidancenotesforfinancialguardians.pdf?sfvrsn=877d01d3_2

Carbon emissions generated/reduced data Not applicable
Environmental data Not applicable
Risk from cumulative impacts Not applicable
Other (please specify) Not applicable
Additional evidence required Gross Funded people

People waiting for MHO allocation

Equality outcomes

Evidence of unmet need

Awaiting historic data of people who previously have been gross funded to be provided by Kerry Garvin.

Waiting list for private guardianship to be provided by David MacLullich.

Request data of quality outcomes from Performance Management Team.

MHO Service waiting list report.



Equality, Health and Wellbeing and Human Rights  Affected populations

  • It would help to prevent/reduce people waiting for financial guardianship to be in place.
  • By speeding up the financial guardianship process, it would more-quickly enable people to access their own money and benefits again.
  • Increasing capacity in the MHO service will reduce the pressure within the team.
  • Should increase fairness due to financial guardianship processes being managed in a consistent and timely way.
  • Improves equality of opportunity due to people in receipt of gross funding having improved access to MHO support.
  • Will enable people to have greater control of their social environment due to affected people being involved in decision making.
  • Could reduce differences in status between people by ensuring people are able to access their funds and benefits sooner.
  • Improved participation, inclusion, dignity and control over decisions due to improved access to MHO service.
  • Will protect vulnerable adults by ensuring people are able to access their funds and benefits sooner. 

All population

FT, PT and Casual staff


  • With increased capacity within the MHO service, there may be less of a need to utilise casual staff.

  • Casual staff


Environment and Sustainability including climate change emissions and impacts  Affected populations

No impact


No impact

Economic  Affected populations

  • Improved access to services by ensuring people are able to access their funds and benefits sooner.
  • Smaller care homes may benefit from people being able to access their funds sooner.
  • Reduce income inequality due to people being able to access their funds sooner.

All populations


  • No impact

If yes, it is likely that a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) will be required and the impacts identified in the IIA should be included in this.


If further evidence is required, please note how it will be gathered. If appropriate, mark this report as interim and submit updated final report once further evidence has been gathered.

Information and further evidence has been requested from the attendees of the IIA and the Performance and Evaluation Manager, as per the above table.

Specific actions (as a result of the IIA which may include financial implications, mitigating actions and risks of cumulative impacts) Who will take them forward (name and job title Deadline for progressing Review date
Update the savings proposal document to clarify that the MHO resource would take responsibility for all MHO tasks for the person, not just the financial guardianship element. Sarah Hayden, Business Manager 11th March 2024
Potential reduction in casual staff hours having an impact on their renumeration. – no action required as due to the waiting lists within the team is it unlikely that hours will be reduced at this time. No further action.

Ongoing monitoring through monthly project update meetings, monitoring of MHO unmet needs list and annual IIA.

Mike Massaro-Mallinson's signature

Name: Mike Massaro-Mallinson

Date: 08/03/24