Integrated Impact Assessments – Disability Services – Phase out Adult Resource Scheme
Disability Services – Phase out Adult Resource Scheme.
1:1 support element within the Adult Resource Scheme will be phased out and will no longer be operational.
This change will directly impact on 17 individuals currently receiving non- essential support from 12 Off Payroll as required contractual workers. This will provide opportunity to align supports that are assessed as essential and ensure any required provision is provided through Self Directed Support. (SDS)
There has been no public involvement to date as this does not impact general members of the public. Involvement will be very specific to the individuals and families it will impact.
5 March 2020 reviewed 10 February 2021.
Name | Job Title | Date of IIA training | |
Mark Grierson | Service and Strategy Manager, Disabilities Lead Officer | | |
Anne-Marie Donaldson | Service Manager , report writer | | |
Emma Pemberton | Care and Support Manager , Facilitator | 25/4/2018 | |
Robert Smith | Care and Support Manager, Partnership representative | |
Evidence | Available? | Comments: what does the evidence tell you? |
Data on populations in need | N/A | |
Data on service uptake/access | Yes | This service has not been actively recruited into for 18 months. Older population of service users ensures natural reduction. |
Data on equality outcomes | N/A | |
Research/ literature evidence | N/A | |
Public/patient/ client experience information | From those individuals previously engaged in this service | There has been improved outcomes and more appropriate supports and community resources available to this older population. |
Evidence of inclusive engagement of service users and involvement findings | Plans are available for the engagement and consultation of individuals | A clear direction and plan is in place, detailing how individuals have been supported through this process. |
Evidence of unmet need | Yes | Individual circumstances will be considered within the scope of need and through assessment should this be required. |
Good practice guidelines | N/A | |
Environmental data | N/A | |
Risk from cumulative impacts | N/A | |
Other (please specify) | N/A | |
Additional evidence required? | N/A |
Equality, Health and Wellbeing and Human Rights
- The changes will provide a more consistent approach to receiving appropriate support where required, in line with SDS.
- Carer unmet needs will be addressed where appropriate, this will potentially ensure better outcomes for carers.
- Improved discussion around informal support arrangements and increased connecting to existing community based resources.
- No negative impacts in relation to equality or human rights are anticipated in relation to disability or age mentioned above, and it is not foreseen that any individual will be affected due to any other protected characteristic.
- Some people being supported may be anxious about any changes as a result of this which may impact upon general health and wellbeing.
Affected populations
- Primarily older people and people with learning disabilities . Some may have additional protected characteristics such as gender and race.
Environment and Sustainability
- There is currently usage of private vehicles however this would cease and where possible an increase in access to community transport and public transport.
- This process will enable a more consistent approach to ensure positive outcomes for individuals which will ensure sustainability long term.
- No negative impacts in relation to environment and sustainability are anticipated in relation to disability or age as mentioned above, and it is not foreseen that any individual will be affected due to any other protected characteristic.
Affected populations
- Primarily older people and people with learning disabilities . Some may have additional protected characteristics such as gender and race.
- Provision of equalised and appropriate supports.
- Changes will result in some reduction of Off Payroll arrangements which for some will result in reduction of income.
Affected populations
- Primarily older people and people with learning disabilities . Some may have additional protected characteristics such as gender and race.
- Primarily older people and people in middle years. Some may have additional protected characteristics such as gender and race.
It will not be necessary to communicate with children and young people, however some may require additional communication tools in order to understand the change. Communication will be carried out on an individual basis and as is appropriate , examples may include language interpretation, easy read and large type.
If yes, an SEA should be completed, and the impacts identified in the IIA should be included in this.
Ensure appropriate communication plan is in place and where required made accessible for people with additional support needs.
Specific actions (as a result of the IIA which may include financial implications, mitigating actions and risks of cumulative impacts) | Who will take them forward (name and contact details) | Deadline for progressing | Review date |
Completion of Risk Register | Mark Grierson/ Anne-Marie Donaldson | Complete Feb 20 | |
Completion of Implementation Plan | Mark Grierson/ Anne-Marie Donaldson | Complete Feb 20 | |
Develop a communication and implementation strategy | Anne-Marie Donaldson | Complete April 2020 |
Ongoing conversations, briefings and feedback gathering, with all stakeholders will be continually reviewed and any impacts actioned.
Mark Grierson
5 March 2020 / reviewed 10 February 2021