EIJB meetings
The EIJB is a public meeting and members of the public are welcome to attend. The EIJB meeting dates are listed below. If the meeting papers are available, you can click on the dates below to access them.
Webcasting of EIJB meetings
The EIJB is webcast, meaning you can see how decisions that may affect you or your community are reached without you having to attend in person.
Representatives of groups or organisations can make deputations at the Board’s meetings and committees on items being considered. They will be able to put their point of view directly to health and social care decision makers and influence the issues that matter to them.
Deputations aim to encourage greater public participation in the democratic process. Community and other groups with a common goal can submit deputation requests to the Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board.
When making deputation request, representatives should indicate which group/organisation they represent and they must be an office bearer or spokesperson of this organisation. Ideally, groups will also provide information about the issue they wish to raise.
This will allow officers the chance to look into their issue and provide a suitable response at the board meeting.
How to make a deputation
Deputation requests must be submitted to the clerk by 2pm, two working days before the meeting takes place. Deputations should only be accepted from an office bearer or spokesperson of an organisation or group.
The Chair has the discretion to waive the requirements in the above paragraphs if they feel it is appropriate. Deputations can only be on an agenda item being considered at that meeting.
The EIJB will be asked whether they wish to hear the deputation but must not discuss the merits of the case itself. If necessary a vote will be taken without discussion on whether to hear the deputation or not.
Deputations should be allowed 10 minutes to present their case, although this can be reduced by the Chair, if there is more than one deputation on the same subject.
Following their deputation, questions are permitted from members. Following questions the deputation is asked to retire to the public seating area to watch the debate and decision on the matter.The deputation does not take any part in the debate or the discussion of the relevant item.
You can ask to make a deputation by email or by contacting Committee Services, The City of Edinburgh Council via committee.services@edinburgh.gov.uk