The Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB) aims to create a fair and equal society for the people of Edinburgh. To help us do this we produce and publish various equality documents which allow us to develop better policies and practice, improve transparency and accountability, and deliver better outcomes for the people of Edinburgh.
Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report 2019-23.This report states how the EIJB will mainstream equality into its day to day working and sets out its Equality Outcomes, as required by the Equality Act 2010.
Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Progress Report 2019 – 2023
Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Progress Report 2022.
Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Progress Report 2019 – 2021. This report is states how the EIJB propose to mainstream equality into its day to day working and set out its Equality Outcomes.
Mainstreaming Equality and Equality Outcomes Progress Report 2020 . This document provides an overview of progress made in embedding our equality duties and highlights progress made in achieving the Equality Outcomes set in 2016.
Integrated Impact Assessments (IIA). The Equality Act 2010 states that we must assess the impact of new or revised policies and practices. We use Integrated Impact Assessments (IIAs) to assess impacts on equality and human rights and the environment and climate change