Ministerial Strategic Group Indicators

We also report on the performance indicators set by the Ministerial Strategic Group for Health and Community Care (MSG). These performance indicators give a view of how HSCPs are progressing against a range of whole system level measures. The performance indicators are largely based on hospital sector data due to routine availability of national data. While similar to some of the core indicators, these figures are calculated in slightly different ways so are not comparable.

Since the 2017/18 baseline was set, we are moving in the desired direction for all but one of these indicators: Geriatric Long Stay

Indicator 2017/18 Baseline total Desired direction of travel Latest available figures Achieved Direction of travel Latest Period
A&E Attendances 103,986 103,720 2023/24
Unplanned Admissions 35,597 34,491 2023
Emergency Occupied Bed Days:
Acute 330,759 302,875 2023
Geriatric Long Stay^ 22,324 23,980^ 2023
Mental Health 122,841 121,285p 2023
Delayed Discharges 76,933 61,519 2023/24
Last 6 months of life spent in a community setting 85.7% 88.5%p 2023
Balance of Care: at home# 95.6%* 96.0% 2022/23

^ Geriatric long stay unscheduled occupied bed days data is affected by SMR completeness issue.

p This data is provisional.

# This indicator is still under development and may change in future releases.

* The Balance of Care 2017/18 baseline figure has been updated since it was last published, it is now 95.5%.