We hope some of you can join us in a discussion about what living well locally means to citizens and communities of Leith

Communities’ response in lockdown in March supporting people’s health, wellbeing and social care needs was breath-taking. Once again we find ourselves in lockdown, and it feels more important than ever to understand what citizens and communities have learned about living and working locally.

This event builds on work by Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership since June 2020 to listen to citizens and communities about what matters to them. We began a dialogue with citizens, staff from the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership, staff from partner agencies, communities of interest, community planning partners and interested stakeholders. The approach included a public survey, facilitated workshops, interviews and focus groups. In this next step we are holding workshops to hear from you directly.

We welcome anyone who lives or works in Leith, and is over the age of 18, to join the conversation and share:

  • What is important for your wellbeing
  • How you have helped or supported people or how you have been helped or supported
  • How communities have supported each other to live well locally during Covid-19

We will use what you tell us to plan how we deliver services locally and support people and organisations to keep doing great work in their communities.

You can register though the Eventbrite link for one of the two dates below:

2nd March (2pm – 4pm) or 4th March (10am -12pm).

This will be a virtual event hosted on Zoom by Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership and facilitated by People Powered Results at Nesta (an innovation foundation).

Please do also share this invite with friends, family members living or working in Leith and any organisations or groups you think have a valuable perspective to add – the more the merrier!

Please contact emma.gall@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk if you have any questions.