Partnership Podcasts
A podcast is a great way to unwind when taking a short break, while on the go, or to help focus on a task.
If you like to listen to podcasts, why not take a listen to our Partnership Podcasts. They will range from discussing our strategic ambitions, to talking with colleagues about the role they play to help keep the people of Edinburgh safe and well.
New – A day in the life of the Primary Care Pharmacy Team – “No two days are ever the same in our team!”
In this Partnership Podcast we hear from not one but three members of our Primary Care Pharmacy team. You may remember their video they made to tell you a little more about what they do as a team. In this podcast we dive a little deeper and speak to Hazel Garven, Carla Madden and Laura Burley. You’ll find out about how they work collaboratively together and what inspires them to do their job.
A day in the life of Jess Gilmour – “District nursing has always been close to my heart”
In this Partnership Podcast we speak to Jess Gilmour, student Specialist Practitioner District Nurse (SPDN). You may remember her blog she wrote about her story becoming a student SPDN, her passion for caring for people as well as the challenges she’s faced along the way. In this podcast, we chat in more detail as well as learn the advice she would give herself looking back on her first day in her career.
A day in the life of Janne Solpark – “It’s trial and error, and that’s the fun bit too – there is a lot of scope to test things. You’re working with people, everyone is different so there’s not one recipe that works for every person.”
In this ‘A day in the life of’ video, we speak to Janne Solpark, Professional Occupational Therapist Adviser. We chat about what a day in the life is like for her, her inspiration for joining the health and social care sector, as well as the many challenges and how the team have adapted to new ways of working due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Partnership Podcast: The Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact – “this is a pact between our partners and the people of Edinburgh to all work together to put wellbeing first”
In this Partnership Podcast, Dr Linda Irvine Fitzpatrick from the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership and Stef Milenkovic and Ian Brooke from EVOC take us back to the very beginning of the work to develop the Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact. They tell us about the importance of the Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact, reflect on the conversations and discussions that have happened and share a glimpse into what’s coming next.
Partnership Podcast: Carers Week 2021 Special with Keith Lugton – “One person caring about another represents life’s greatest value.”
In this Partnership Podcast, we spoke with Keith Lugton, Carer Coordinator. Keith tells us about the role he plays in supporting our carers throughout the partnership and unpaid carers across Edinburgh. He touches on the importance the role of a carer brings as well as the challenges that they can find themselves facing, particularly through Covid-19 pandemic. You’ll also learn what the EHSCP does as an organisation to help.
A day in the life of Lucia Romeou Somma – “Mental health is not a destination but a process. It’s about how to drive, not where you’re going.”
In this ‘A day in the life of’, we speak with Lucia Romeau Sommar, a Peer Recovery Practitioner in Thrive Edinburgh. In this Partnership Podcast, she talks to us about how she supports the people of Edinburgh with their mental and emotional wellbeing as well as what it means to be a Peer Recovery Practitioner. She shares her lived experiences with mental health and why it is so important for people to reach out.
Sharing our strategy: Three conversations with Rhiannon Virgo and Jan Stuart
Rhiannon and Jan both work very closely on implementing our three conversations approach in everything we do. In this short Partnership Podcast, they share what the three conversations really means in practice and why Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership decided to adopt this new and improved way of working, reshaping our services for the future.
A day in the life of Sue Sloan – “Once a nurse, always a nurse”
During the pandemic many colleagues were asked to return to clinical roles to support our front-line teams. In this Partnership Podcast, we talk to Sue Sloan who tells us her story about returning back to District Nursing to help care for the people of Edinburgh. And what it was really like working on the frontline after almost 18 years.