Communities and Families Occupational Therapy Team (CFOT)

The Communities and Families Occupational Therapy team focuses on a child’s home and school environments to look at how we can improve participation and wellbeing.  We work closely with the child, their parents, caregivers, and other professionals to support the child. Our team’s aim is to:

  • improve quality of life
  • reduce risk
  • increase a child’s independence wherever possible

while supporting the family by providing equipment and/or adaptations at home and school.

How you can refer

You or someone you know can contact Social Care Direct.

What happens after a home assessment?

After the assessment, our team may:

  • offer advice and support (for example giving you advice on safer moving and handling)
  • provide equipment (like a bathing aid, supportive seating or a toilet frame)
  • arrange a minor adaptation (for example fitting a handrail or stair lock)
  • complete a major adaptation (like bathroom alterations or fitting a ramp).

Who can be referred?

Any child who has significant difficulties that impact on their ability to carry out everyday tasks like:

  • getting on and off a bed, toilet or chair
  • getting into and out of a bath or shower
  • moving around their home or school
  • assessing safety within the home environment because of limited safety awareness.

You can ask for a home assessment for a child if they live in Edinburgh and are under

  • 16 years old
  • 18 years old and looked after and accommodated by the City of Edinburgh Council.

You can refer  a child who goes to school if you want us to assess their school environment.

When you make your referral, please let us know:

  • the child’s name, date of birth and address
  • the name and contact details of parents/carers
  • the child’s medical conditions or diagnosis
  • the difficulty the child is experiencing in their environment(s)
  • the impact this is having on the child and their parents/carers/school staff
  • the tenure of the property/school name.

Helpful Link                                                                                                                                        

You can order minor adaptations such as grabrails, handrails and banisters, which we can arrange to deliver and install in your home free of charge.