For medical advice, treatment or prescriptions, you can contact your GP practice. If you have a minor illness, please think about whether you can manage it yourself with guidance from NHS Inform or visit your local pharmacist first. Your local GP practice can give you more information about which services they offer and how you can access them.
How to register with a GP
Everyone should be registered with a GP practice. For more information, please visit the Patient Registration page on NHS Lothian’s website. You can also use the NHS Lothian tool to find which GP practice covers your address.
How GP practices are working
There are now more ways you can access care from your GP practice including over the phone or video call. If you need to be seen in person you will be given a face-to-face appointment. When contacting the practice, the GP receptionist will ask a few questions to make sure you get the right care with the right person at the right time. Alongside GP’s, many practices offer appointments with nurses, pharmacists, health visitors, district nurses, counsellors, podiatrists, community psychiatric nurses and other specialist professionals.
If you have a question about how GP practices are working, please visit NHS Lothian’s FAQs page.