As part of your ongoing formulation of the Edinburgh Pact and our enactment activities focusing on the six identified themes from our conversations to date:
- Shared Purpose – building on shared values and understanding
- Relationships – building on our collective experiences and valuing difference
- Community Mobilisation – listening more to and learning more from our communities
- Agility – responding quickly; shifting power; frontline decision making
- Radical Transformation – enacting big ideas such as anchor organisations; community wealth and the 20-minute neighbourhood
- Measuring and evidencing change – fostering a learning culture; continuous improvement; using different approaches to demonstrate impact
We will be hosting an online event on 24 March from 10.00am to 12 noon to begin the discussion about anchor organisations; including addressing key questions about what these could be like in Edinburgh and what we don’t want them to be about.
We hope you can join us on:
- Date: Wednesday 24 March 2021
- Time: 10.00 am to 12 noon
- Platform: MS Teams
- To register: Sign up using EventBrite
- Closing date: 22 March 2021
We will send a MS Teams link and a programme for the meeting in advance of the event.
Dr Linda Irvine Fitzpatrick, Senior Responsible Officer, Edinburgh Pact -formulation and enactment