Short breaks for carers

Taking a short break from your caring responsibilities can have a positive impact on the health and well-being of those caring for a loved one.

We can help support you taking a short break in a number of ways and for differing lengths of time.

What short breaks can the Partnership support?

  • a few days stay in a residential or nursing home
  • flexible sitter services in your home or community
  • access to a range of day services
  • residential weekend breaks.

The options available will depend on the needs and preferences of the person who is cared for.

We have commissioned two services to provide short breaks for carers:

  • Short Breaks Service. Please contact Care for Carers to find out more about the different types of short breaks they offer to carers. T: 0131 661 2077
  • Short Breaks Fund. Please contact VOCAL to find out more about funding to access a short break. T: 0131 622 6666

The person you care for will usually need to have an assessment to get an allowance which they can spend on a short break. If you wish the person you care for to be assessed for replacement care (also known as respite), please contact Social Care Direct, Tel. 0131 200 2324.

How do I apply for a short break?

If you need a short break, to find out more and to apply, please call us on 0131 536 3371 or fill out a self referral form.